Why thinking "sex & money" are the only things that sell is a completely outdated marketing practice

"Sex & money sell" 😳😳😳

The CEO of the first marketing agency I worked for would always say,


Now, I won't go into how weird that was to say to a 21-year-old as a 45(ish) year-old man. Ew. He also had anger management issues. But that's a story for another day (and a long one lol).

He thought, as a marketing agency, we had to somehow use the appeal of 'sex and money' to sell our services.

.... what the actual f*ck.

His logic was flawed, but it was on par with marketing... from maybe 30 years ago.


Sex and money are no longer the main selling points.

Do they still work? In some situations, yes.

In others, not really.

Using images of beautiful women to sell is now often seen for what it is: extremely weird, rather creepy, and brainwashing.

I'm also seeing this with people who use money to sell like using phrases like "6-figure", "7-figure" or other "get rich quick" language. Many people don't see it as desirable anymore, they're beginning to see it as inauthentic.

So if sex and money aren't the way to sell, how the heck do we sell?


People purchase products and services because there is an internal desire for them to get from point A to point B. (Point B being the results after your product or service).

Ask yourself, how does your product or service help people get to where they want to be?

The answer to that question is the secret sauce to your marketing.

That’s how you sell.

No joke. If you don't have an answer to that question, journal about it. You might be surprised what you come up with.

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