How to set a work schedule to avoid burnout

My motto for my work schedule was, “I work when I’m inspired.”

Turns out I was way too inspired.

I find SO much joy in my work. There’s nothing I’d rather do than create for my business.

But when the ideas are flowing, it’s easy to get lost in it.

⏱There’s no “clocking out”. 

💼There’s no manager to track my tasks. 

🚘There’s no drive home to clear my head.

It’s important to be inspired.

But being inspired by everything all at once lead me to burnout.

I was working on things that weren’t necessarily going to “move the needle”. I never gave myself enough time to consider if what I was working on was a good idea.

I led with inspiration and sometimes got lost.

➡️There has to be space before diving into new projects.

➡️There has to be tasks crossed off before adding a whole new to-do list.

Following inspiration is important. But so is time to think, reflect, and rest.

Take it from me. Don’t dive head first into something before knowing 100% if it’s the best use of your energy.

The best way to avoid using your energy in the wrong place is to have ✨support✨

I'm working on creating some new offers, and I'm currently seeing if there's interest!

I want to offer Freelancer Coaching that protects your energy, health, and metal-wellbeing

I've learned a lot from my past 6 years as a freelancer, and I want to help others avoid mistakes and see wild success.

If this is something you'd be interested in, click here to fill out a questionnaire. By filling out the questionnaire, you'll secure a discount when the coaching program launches 💜

I want you to be able to take your strengths and be able to monetize them on *your* terms.

No more hustle & burnout. Just consistent leads and consistent income.

I've supported clients all around the world, created courses, hosted
masterclasses, been a paid speaker at events and more.

I want to help others do the same. 

If I can do it, so can you.

Added bonus: As your Freelancer Coach, I can teach you how to run ads so you can add that as one of your service offerings 🎉

I'm gonna be piecing together the offer soon. The first handful of people will get a sizeable discount 💸

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