Luan Jardine

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Things haven't exactly been peachy 😞

Those of you who follow me on Instagram might already know (click here for my IG), but I was actually in my hometown with my family this past month. We're going through a bit of a time, but that's a story for another day.

Before going back to my hometown, I had plans to launch my course. I already set the dates. I was a little bit shaken at the thought of doing all the things for my course launch while in a very busy house with my family.

I haven't worked away from my purple office... like ever. I started my business during COVID, so travelling & remote working haven't really been an option.

I was able to get everything done and remain calm while being with my family because I had an evergreen campaign that would run on autopilot.

I've never been more thankful for advertising. I had so many moments that I thought, "what if my course launch isn't successful?" Then I'd remember, "I already have a campaign set up, going out to my dream audience, who I know have been asking for this course."

Click here for more info on my course.

Advertising allowed me to be present with my family. I did the hard work of setting up my campaign, and now my campaign is doing all the hard work of connecting me with you lovely people.

I thought this was an important story to share. Even when we're going through something, we can take time to ourselves and still show up to our business. We just need to invest in the things that will help us make it easy and passive. 

On the note of running ads on autopilot, I was recently on the podcast Instagram for Bosses, where I break down some strategies so your ads can run passively. Check out more info below.

New Podcast Feature: Instagram Ads on Autopilot

Listen to a recent podcast I was on with Andrea Maree. We discuss what ads on autopilot are, why it's an awesome strategy, and how you can implement it into your business.

Click here to listen on Spotify.

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

Until next time ðŸ’œ
