Am I a Changemaker? | A Letter to YOU

Dear Changemakers,

This is for you. You magical creative force. You unicorn.

Over the past few months, I invested in myself a lot. I’m talking more than I have ever invested in myself… ever. I hired a business coach, I joined an online community for female entrepreneurs, and I started networking.

As a frugal introvert, all of this was wildly outside of my comfort zone. But I knew I had to do it. I was stuck in an ongoing loop of imposter syndrome, hating my work, and struggling with motivation.

Through all these investments that I made, I realized why I was feeling so drained in my work. I wasn’t working with the right people.

I want to work with Changemakers.

Changemaker defined: a changemaker is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem. First, by actively tackling a social problem, a changemaker demonstrates they are motivated to act.

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I literally Googled this, and it was the first thing that came up as the definition. Isn’t it beautiful?

I use my skillset to amplify the voices of others through kickass online advertising. I bring attention to messages that are profound.

Now, are you a Changemaker?

I’ve drafted a few journal prompts for you:

What does your world look like right now?

What does the world look like for other people? 

What are the simple things that you desire in your life? 

What do you desire to bring to other people’s lives?

How can you use your business to achieve this? 

If you notice a theme in your writing that you want to improve the lives of others, then you are a Changemaker. Positive change is the most sustainable. Businesses fueled by passion and that bringing awareness to important messages are essential to our world.

So, Changemaker, do you want to get your message in front of people?

Let me know.


Your unicorn friend, Luan.


Also, I think you deserve to reach a bigger audience. Sign up for my email list to receive a FREE DIY Facebook Ads Guide!
