Outsourcing Your Facebook (Meta) Advertising


You have a business. It’s pretty awesome. You have proof of concept with organic sales. You’re looking to reach a larger audience so you’re thinking about hiring a Facebook Advertising strategist. So, now what?

There are things you should look for when hiring a Facebook Ads Strategist. A lot of people say they know how to get you all the sales you dream of with Facebook Ads, but do they really?

One size does not fit all. It’s important to look for a Facebook Ads Strategist that understands your size of business and is able to talk realistically with you about what results you can achieve with ads.

First things first, why should you run Facebook / Meta Ads?

  • It’s the cheapest form of advertising online

  • The audience targeting is unmatched

  • The results come exceptionally faster than organic marketing

  • Endless amount of creative strategy

What should you look for in a Facebook Ads Strategist?

You want someone that understands that Facebook Ads are part of the sales funnel, they aren’t the whole funnel.

When I work with my clients, I always make sure they have a solid email sequence set up, a catchy landing page, and a clear brand message. The beauty of Facebook Ads is that it’s the cheapest when it’s at the top of your funnel, growing your email list. Then you can nurture that list into making a purchase. I cannot stress enough how important email is. What good is a lead if they don’t receive any value in exchange for their email address? Your ad directs people to what they could have if they signed up with their email, then your email further explains who you are and why you’d be great to purchase from.

You want someone that keeps your money in mind.

It would be so expensive to rely on Facebook Ads for 100% of your sales. Facebook Ads are the cheapest form of advertising online, but they still cost money. You shouldn’t have to dump the majority of your profits back into advertising when there are more sustainable (and cheaper) ways to nurture your potential clients (like email). It’s so important to communicate effectively how much of an advertising budget you have, that way your ad strategist can tell you what they imagine they can achieve with your budget. If you have an ads strategist that wants to stretch your small budget across multiple campaigns for re-marketing, you might want to reconsider. Re-marketing campaigns are amazing… when you have a large budget. If you have a biz with a smaller budget, you want a campaign that acts solely at the top of your funnel, that way you get the most bang for your buck.

You want someone that supports you.

I haven’t seen any ads strategists publically cheer their clients on. That’s why I try to as hard as I can. I want my clients to know how much I believe in their message and that I will treat their advertising campaign & advertising budget as if it were my own. You want someone that believes in your message so you can trust them in delivering your message to your target audience. It’s essential. Having a contractor that supports you also is great for building rapport. You can ask questions, have calls, email thoughts, all without worrying you’re overstepping. You can rest assured with full confidence that they want to support you and answer your questions. That they want you to understand and be involved in the ads strategy.

Are you ready to outsource your ads?

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