Updated Marketing Strategy: DO WHAT FEELS GOOD


In marketing, it’s jammed down our throats that you have to be consistent, you have to deliver free value, you have to show up as your audience wants to see you.


What good is marketing if it doesn’t feel good to you?

It is absolutely exhausting to hate the work that you’re doing. If you’re self-employed, then it sucks even more.

I am here to give you full permission to show up as you are.

If you look hard enough, there are rules around social media and marketing for best practices. But is marketing still fun if you’re applying every rule under the sun to it?

I’m such a strong believer that if you post things that light YOU up, then you will find an audience that is also lit up by what you have to say. There are people out there waiting for you and need to hear your message more than you realize.

Does that mean you will get judged by your current following?
Should you care?

If people are going to get upset because you’re doing what makes you happy, then you can let those people go. They were meant to stick around to begin with.

I have worked with entrepreneurs that base their whole marketing plan around ‘shoulds’. As in “I should be posting 3 times a week”, or “I should have more traffic to my website”, or “My company should only speak on this one topic”.

Take a deep breath and let that go.

I was listening to a Life Kit podcast, and one of their guests had this amazing quote:


Imagine how amazing and beautiful the world would be if we started acting in a way that feels good to us. Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and seeing other people’s posts knowing that they are posting because it feels good to them. Not seeking external validation (though easier said than done), just people being themselves.

Show up as you are in your work, marketing, business, and in your life. Your audience WILL follow.

Finding the right audience can be challenging, but you CAN and WILL find them as long as you are remaining authentic. If you notice that your audience is having trouble finding you, then you can change your strategy, not your message.

Authenticity Content Prompts

Below are some prompts you can ask yourself when creating authentic content. You can revisit these every time you feel unsure about what you’re posting.

1.     Does this feel in alignment with who I am?
2.     Does this feel aligned with my business?
3.     Will my ideal audience resonate with this?
4.     In a year from now, will I be proud of myself for creating and posting this?
5.     Did creating this make me feel good?

If you’re able to answer ‘yes’ to the above, it’s time to hit publish.

If you’d like assistance in finding your audience online, I’m more than happy to help you. I love helping changemakers find an audience that resonates with their profound message.